Samudra Arktik

Samudra Arktik ento samudra paling cenik tur paling dakén di Gumi,[1] tur ngilehin Kutub Kaja. Samudra Arktik kailehin tekén pasih kaja Éropa, Asia muah Amérika. Pahan gedé uli Samudra Arktik katekep és; dugas masan dingin dasan makejang samudrané.[2]

Péta Samudra Arktik


  1. "Introduction to the Oceans".
  2. "K. Aagaard and R. A. Woodgate (2001), Some Thoughts on the Freezing and Melting of Sea Ice and Their Effects on the Ocean (PDF)" (PDF). Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington.